What We Do…
At Signal Solutions, we understand the importance in making data collection and analysis accessible, accurate and efficient. Automation through innovation is our focus; and streamlining the data collection process for animal and human studies. With human-scored data, time becomes a limiting factor in project outcomes. Additionally, there is commonly the invasive nature of signal collection and processing that affects the research animal (or human).
At Signal Solutions, we see things differently. We develop solutions for animal-based studies that mirror and in most cases exceed, results form conventional means of signal data collection. All in a completely non-invasive process. No matter what your signal monitoring needs, we have a solution that will save time, money and be non-invasive to research animals. Below are some of our most recent projects where we were challenged to create custom hardware and software to collect and analyze signals from humans and animals.
Data Analysis
At Signal Solutions, we offer a wide range of data analysis services. If you are using one of our PiezoSleep Systems and are interested in partnering with our team of experts for ongoing data reporting and visualization, we are ready and capable to assist you.
Through our involvement and data analysis services to Jackson Labs IMPC/KOMP2 Project, over 250 gene variants associated with abnormal sleep behavior have been identified. The Jackson Laboratory – IMPC/KOMP2 Project uses Signal Solution’s revolutionary, non-invasive PiezoSleep Mouse Behavioral Tracking System and SleepStats Data Explorer Software to visualize large amount of data collected by the system.
Signal Solutions not only provides the cost effective and completely non-invasive solution, but a wide range of services to assist your team in data collection and analysis as well. Signal Solution’s data analysis software, hardware & sleep phenotyping services – saving you time, money and is completely non-invasive.
20.57% of tested genes with null mutations on a B6N genetic background have a phenotype association to abnormal sleep behavior (43/209) – The Jackson Laboratory, IMPC/KOMP2 Project using PiezoSleep Mouse Behavioral Tracking System and SleepStats Data Visualization Software.
Software & Hardware
Signal Solutions can develop custom hardware and software solutions to help accomplish the goals of your animal or human-based study.
Signal Solutions employs some of the brightest and most experienced minds in the research industry. It is because of our capable team that we are able to approach complicated, animal-based signal monitoring challenges with great ease and provide solutions.
Through our expert consulting services, we can identify the easiest and most cost efficient solutions for your research project. Whether you are studying sleep/wake cycles in mice, breathing patterns in thoroughbreds or even signal processing in humans, we have you covered.
Our team is a collective group of industry experts; engineers, bio-medical experts, systems hardware & software developers and general gurus in signal processing for organic/animal based studies. We continue to innovate; always at the forefront of developing effective solutions for signal monitoring, processing and data analysis in non-invasive ways.
At Signal Solutions, your data and overall goals are important to us. We understand your need for comprehensive data collection and visualization while focusing on accessibility for end-users. We can develop custom hardware and software to empower your users and your end users. All of this with the additional benefit of having over 50 years of combined signal processing and data analysis partners at your side.
If you have a challenging project for collecting data and providing analysis, Signal Solutions can help.
Custom Data Solutions
SleepStats Data Explorer is a full featured data analysis platform for understanding and analyzing collections, many users find it to be advantageous to allow our team of highly qualified signal processing experts to assist your team with data insights.
Sometimes, having a vast amount of data to support hypothesis isn’t necessarily the issue; rather it is being able to interpret that data into meaningful extractions. Our team has a combined 50+ years of experience in signal processing, data analysis, biological and physiological aspects of sleep/wake in mice.
If your data matters, trust it to the experts at Signal Solutions for analysis and reporting. We have worked with a number of highly distinguished laboratories, institutions and private researchers to deliver incomparable service and understanding for all aspects of sleep research.
The SleepStats Data Explorer Software is part of the equation, but having an expert partnership with Signal Solutions adds value and meaning to your data. We offer a wide range of service solutions; for both short-term and ongoing studies.
Find out what Signal Solutions can do for you and be reassured your data is not only accurate, but usable.
Here are a few of our trusted partners: Oak Ridge National Laboratory, The Jackson Laboratory (International KOMP2 Project), University of Lausanne, Oxford University / Harwell, University of Tennessee Health Sciences Center, University of Texas, Western KY University, Pitt, Germany and WSU.