Highlights of PiezoSleep System From Recent Literature
PiezoSleep Tracks Sleep in Preclinical Drug Discovery for Narcolepsy and HIV related Sleep Disorders
PiezoSleepTM Tracks Sleep in Preclinical Drug Discovery for Narcolepsy and HIV-related Sleep Disorders
A potential treatment for Narcolepsy Type 1 (NT1) has been reported by Orexia Therapeutics. Â NT1 is due to the loss of orexin/hypocretin-producing neurons and is characterized by excessive daytime sleepiness, sleep fragmentation, abnormal REM sleep, cataplexy, hypnagogic hallucinations, and sleep paralysis. Researchers at Orexia Therapeutics identified small molecule orexin receptor 2 (OX2R) agonists that display equivalent potency to the natural orexin ligand in vitro OX2R reporter assays. Â In vivo, studies of OXR-849 and OXR-469 were conducted with wildtype and with ATAX mice, which lack orexin-producing neurons and display a phenotype similar to human narcolepsy including fragmented sleep and cataplexy. The PiezoSleep system was used to record sleep and wake states in OX2R agonist and placebo-treated mice. OX2R agonists dose-dependently promoted wake in both ATAX and wild-type mice. OX2R agonists consolidated wakefulness during the active period and reduced cataplexy bouts in ATAX mice. See details presented at the 2022 European Sleep Research Society Meeting: https://investors.centessa.com/events/event-details/european-sleep-research-society-meeting
Poor sleep health is a prevalent comorbid condition in individuals living with HIV, with common difficulties of falling asleep, maintaining sleep, or early morning awakening. Lack of sleep contributes to other comorbid conditions, further eroding the quality of life of people living with HIV. Johns Hopkins researchers demonstrated for the first time sleep deficits in a mouse model of HIV infection EcoHIV, using the PiezoSleep system to track sleep traits. Differences in sleep architecture were identified in EcoHIV mice compared to wild-type mice over six-day recordings. Sleep was found to be significantly reduced in EcoHIV mice during the first 3 hours of the subjective day (light onset), usually a period of higher sleep for nocturnal mice, under both 12-hour light:dark conditions as well as in 24-hour dark conditions. Sleep was also more fragmented, with more frequent and shorter sleep periods compared to wild-type mice, while the total sleep time was the same. Based on evidence that cognitive impairments in HIV are due at least in part to glutaminergic imbalance and immune dysfunction in the brain, investigators examined the effect of a brain penetrant glutamine antagonist, JHU083 on sleep deficits and behavior impairments in EcoHIV mice. JHU083 normalized the sleep differences at the light onset period and partially reversed fragmented sleep in EcoHIV mice, as well as improved the behavioral phenotypes present in this mouse model. Investigators also analyzed biological pathway dysregulation in EcoHIV mice and demonstrated normalization of pathway components by JHU083. Read more at  https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35734753/
PiezoSleepTM provides a noninvasive method to assess sleep traits in mouse disease models with disordered sleep. Large numbers of animals can easily be recorded simultaneously, providing a larger sample size for statistical assessment. Automated sleep scoring and sleep analysis tools simplify the evaluation of treatment effects on sleep characteristics for both primary and secondary sleep disorders for in vivo drug discovery.
Drug induced alterations in sleep patterns identified with the PiezoSleep system.
Researchers at the University of Texas investigated circadian and sleep-altering effects of two drugs used to treat conditions with known circadian components; Verapamil is used to treat cluster headaches, which occur at roughly the same time of day for most patients, and Moricizine was previously used to treat arrhythmia, where cardiac events are known to occur more frequently in the morning.
Following the identification of circadian effects of the drugs in vitro, the investigators used the PiezoSleepTM system to assess drug-related changes in sleep patterns in mice, identifying alterations in the time of sleep onset, sleep bout-lengths, and light vs dark period sleep. Verapamil, a calcium channel blocker used to treat cluster headaches, migraines, hypertension, and angina, altered the time of sleep, but not total sleep, in a sex-specific manner in mice. Male mice treated with verapamil slept more in the light period; treated female mice slept more in the dark (active) period, with shorter average sleep bout durations. Verapamil reduced activity levels in both sexes and reduced the free-running period both in vitro and in vivo. In a separate study, Moricizine was found to increase the total amount of sleep in mice, particularly in the early dark period, when mice are usually most active. In vitro, Moricizine was found to lengthen the circadian cycle in a dose-dependent manner.
These studies highlight the utility of the PiezoSleepTM system for efficiently investigating drug-induced changes in sleep patterns without the need for surgery and EEG monitoring, facilitating higher-powered studies with larger number of animals in drug screening studies, at a lower cost.
Complete publications:
Clock-Modulating Activities of the Anti-Arrhythmic Drug Moricizine
The PiezoSleep system is used to evaluate SARM1 as a target for intervention in Traumatic Brain Injury
Sleep disruption is a common comorbidity of traumatic brain injury (TBI), chronically affecting approximately half of individuals who have had a mild, moderate, or severe traumatic brain injury. Researchers at Uniformed Services University included the PiezoSleepTM system in a study to assess the potential of SARM1 (sterile alpha and Toll/interleukin-1 receptor motif-containing 1) as a target for therapeutic intervention following TBI. SARM1 initiates a programmed pathway that depletes energy stores and results in a structural breakdown of axons following injury.
In this model of chronic TBI, atrophy of the corpus callosum, and behavior tests including sleep, were compared in TBI vs sham-injured wild type (WT) and SAMR1 knock-out (KO) mice. Longitudinal MRI volumetric measurements of the corpus callosum in mice following TBI at 3 days (acute injury) and 10 weeks (chronic stage), compared to baseline (pre-injury) measurements showed a higher level of atrophy in WT mice compared to SARM1 KO mice at ten weeks post-injury. In agreement with this observation, axons of SARM1 KO mice had less damage than axons of WT mice at ten weeks post-injury by multiple histological measures. Sleep studies at eight weeks post-injury identified reduced sleep in WT TBI mice compared to sham-treated WT mice, whereas there was no statistical difference in percent sleep between TBI and sham-treated SARM1 KO mice. Disrupted sleep in WT TBI mice occurred during the light period, or subjective night, for mice. Collectively, these results provide evidence for the preservation of axon integrity and function following TBI when SARM1 is disabled, indicating SARM1 as a viable target for therapeutic intervention. Â Sleep monitoring indicates that sleep disruption is present in this chronic TBI mouse model, and may be a useful in vivo indicator of progressive disease. Sleep monitoring post-TBI over multiple weeks would be useful to identify when sleep disruption first appears and whether it continues, worsens, or changes over time. Noninvasive sleep tracking with PiezoSleepTM is ideal for longitudinal data collection in TBI models, where mice have already experienced brain trauma, with the added benefit of lower cost and automated data collection in multiple groups of mice.
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Mechanisms of homeostatic regulation of GABA type A receptors by accessory protein Shisa7, with observed differences in tonic inhibition in sleep and wake.
Researchers at the National Institute of Health investigated the role of Shisa7 in modulating tonic inhibition in the hippocampus using cultured hippocampal CA1 neurons, mouse hippocampal slices, and by comparing tonic current in sleep and wake states in Shisa7 Knockout (KO) and wild-type (WT) mice.
The results from this study provide evidence that PKA phosphorylation of Shisa7 promotes exocytosis of α5-GABAAR, thereby increasing tonic inhibition in the hippocampus via increased levels of α5-GABAAR at the extrasynaptic neuronal surface. Differences in tonic inhibition mediated by Shisa7 in sleep and wake states were investigated by measuring tonic current in hippocampal slices from WT and Shisa7 Knockout KO mice that had been in extended sleep or wake states (4 hours), monitored by the PiezoSleepTM system, at the time of sacrifice. Tonic current was found to be higher during wake than in sleep, and modulated by Shisa7, as observed by sleep vs wake differences in WT mice that were not present in Shisa7 KO mice.
Link to publication:
Activity- and sleep-dependent regulation of tonic inhibition by Shisa7
Hu P, Hao Y, Tang W, Diering GH, Zou F, Kafri T. 2025. Analysis of Hepatic Lentiviral Vector Transduction: Implications for Preclinical Studies and Clinical Gene Therapy Protocols. Viruses 17.
Williams BR, Gamble MC, Singh N, Bryant CD, Logan BA, Logan RW. 2025. Sleep and circadian rhythm activity alterations during adolescence in a mouse model of neonatal fentanyl withdrawal syndrome. Neuroscience 569: 85-91.
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Gamble, M. C., S. Miracle, B. R. Williams and R. W. Logan, 2024. Endocannabinoid agonist 2-arachidonoylglycerol differentially alters diurnal activity and sleep during fentanyl withdrawal in male and female mice. Pharmacol Biochem Behav 240: 173791.
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Houle, S., Z. Tapp, S. Dobres, S. Ahsan, Y. Reyes, C. Cotter, J. Mitsch, Z. Zimomra, J. Peng, R. K. Rowe, J. Lifshitz, J. Sheridan, J. Godbout and O. N. Kokiko-Cochran (2024). Sleep fragmentation after traumatic brain injury impairs behavior and conveys long-lasting impacts on neuroinflammation. Brain Behav Immun Health 38: 100797.
Leu, C. L., D. D. Lam, A. V. Salminen, B. Wefers, L. Becker, L. Garrett, J. Rozman, W. Wurst, M. Hrabe de Angelis, S. M. Holter, J. Winkelmann and R. H. Williams (2024). A patient-enriched MEIS1 coding variant causes a restless legs syndrome-like phenotype in mice. Sleep 47(5).
Mannino, G. S., Green, T. R. F., Murphy, S. M., Donohue, K. D., Opp, M. R., Rowe, R. K., 2024. The importance of including both sexes in preclinical sleep studies and analyses. Scientific Reports 14(1):23622.
Martin, S. C., K. K. Joyce, K. M. Harper, S. J. Harp, T. J. Cohen, S. S. Moy and G. H. Diering (2024). Evaluating Fatty Acid Amide Hydrolase as a Suitable Target for Sleep Promotion in a Transgenic TauP301S Mouse Model of Neurodegeneration. Pharmaceuticals (Basel) 17(3).
Martin, S. C., K. K. Joyce, J. S. Lord, K. M. Harper, V. D. Nikolova, T. J. Cohen, S. S. Moy and G. H. Diering (2024). Sleep Disruption Precedes Forebrain Synaptic Tau Burden and Contributes to Cognitive Decline in a Sex-Dependent Manner in the P301S Tau Transgenic Mouse Model. eNeuro 11(6).
McGowan, J. C., L. R. Ladner, C. X. Shubeck, J. Tapia, C. T. LaGamma, A. Anqueira-Gonzalez, A. DeFrancesco, B. K. Chen, H. C. Hunsberger, E. J. Sydnor, R. W. Logan, T. S. Yu, S. G. Kernie and C. A. Denny (2024). Traumatic Brain Injury-Induced Fear Generalization in Mice Involves Hippocampal Memory Trace Dysfunction and Is Alleviated by (R,S)-Ketamine. Biol Psychiatry 95(1): 15-26.
Morris, A. R., E. K. Gudenschwager Basso, M. A. Gutierrez-Monreal, R. D. Arja, F. H. Kobeissy, et al., 2024. Lifelong Chronic Sleep Disruption in a Mouse Model of Traumatic Brain Injury. Neurotrauma Rep 5(1): 61-73.
Noya SB, Sengupta A, Yue Z, Weljie A, Sehgal A. 2024. Balancing brain metabolic states during sickness and recovery sleep. The European journal of neuroscience 60: 6605-6616.
Shankar, A., C. K. Deal, S. McCahon, K. Callegari, T. Seitz, et al., 2024. SAD rats: Effects of short photoperiod and carbohydrate consumption on sleep, liver steatosis, and the gut microbiome in diurnal grass rats. Chronobiology International 41(1): 93-104.
Shannon, T., C. Cotter, J. Fitzgerald, S. Houle, N. Levine, Y. Shen, N. Rajjoub, S. Dobres, S. Iyer, J. Xenakis, R. Lynch, F. P. de Villena, O. Kokiko-Cochran and B. Gu (2024). Genetic diversity drives extreme responses to traumatic brain injury and post-traumatic epilepsy. Exp Neurol 374: 114677.
Badran, M., C. Puech, M. B. Barrow, A. R. Runion and D. Gozal, 2023. Solriamfetol enhances wakefulness and improves cognition and anxiety in a murine model of OSA. Sleep Med 107: 89-99.
Bedard, M. L., J. S. Lord, P. J. Perez, I. M. Bravo, A. T. Teklezghi, et al., 2023. Probing different paradigms of morphine withdrawal on sleep behavior in male and female C57BL/6 J mice. Behav Brain Res: 114441.
Costello, A., K. Linning-Duffy, C. Vandenbrook, K. Donohue, B. F. O’Hara, et al., 2023. Effects of light therapy on sleep/wakefulness, daily rhythms, and the central orexin system in a diurnal rodent model of seasonal affective disorder. J Affect Disord 332: 299-308.
Kim, A. B., E. M. Beaver, S. G. Collins, L. J. Kriegsfeld, S. W. Lockley, K. Y. Wong and L. Yan, 2023. S-Cone Photoreceptors Regulate Daily Rhythms and Light-Induced Arousal/Wakefulness in Diurnal Grass Rats (Arvicanthis niloticus). J Biol Rhythms 38(4): 366-378.
Lee, Y. Y., M. Endale, G. Wu, M. D. Ruben, L. J. Francey, et al., 2023. Integration of genome-scale data identifies candidate sleep regulators. Sleep 462.
Markussen, N. B., R. W. Knopper, S. Hasselholt, C. S. Skoven, J. R. Nyengaard, L. Ostergaard and B. Hansen, 2023. Locus coeruleus ablation in mice: protocol optimization, stereology and behavioral impact. Front Cell Neurosci 17: 1138624.
Mawatari K, Koike N, Nohara K, Wirianto M, Uebanso T, Shimohata T, Shikishima Y, Miura H, Nii Y, Burish MJ et al. 2023. The Polymethoxyflavone Sudachitin Modulates the Circadian Clock and Improves Liver Physiology. Mol Nutr Food Res 67: e2200270.
Portillo, E., X. Zi, Y. Kim, L. B. Tucker, A. Fu, et al., 2023. Persistent hypersomnia following repetitive mild experimental traumatic brain injury: Roles of chronic stress and sex differences. J Neurosci Res 1016: 843-865.
Puech, C., M. Badran, A. R. Runion, M. B. Barrow, K. Cataldo and D. Gozal, 2023. Cognitive Impairments, Neuroinflammation and Blood-Brain Barrier Permeability in Mice Exposed to Chronic Sleep Fragmentation during the Daylight Period. Int J Mol Sci 24(12)
Puech, C., M. Badran, M. B. Barrow, A. R. Runion and D. Gozal, 2023. Solriamfetol improves chronic sleep fragmentation-induced increases in sleep propensity and ameliorates explicit memory in male mice.
Sadleir KR, Vassar R. 2023. Connections between ApoE, sleep, and Abeta and tau pathologies in Alzheimer’s disease. The Journal of clinical investigation 133.
Shao, N., M. Skotak, N. Pendyala, J. Rodriguez, A. R. Ravula, et al., 2023. Temporal Changes in Functional and Structural Neuronal Activities in Auditory System in Non-Severe Blast-Induced Tinnitus. Medicina (Kaunas) 59(9).
Siddique R, Awan FM, Nabi G, Khan S, Xue M. 2022. Chronic jet lag-like conditions dysregulate molecular profiles of neurological disorders in nucleus accumbens and prefrontal cortex. Front Neuroinform 16: 1031448.
Wang, C., A. Nambiar, M. R. Strickland, C. Lee, S. Parhizkar, et al., 2023. APOE-epsilon4 synergizes with sleep disruption to accelerate Abeta deposition and Abeta-associated tau seeding and spreading. J Clin Invest 133(14).
Wendrich, K. S., H. Azimi, J. A. Ripperger, Y. Ravussin, G. Rainer and U. Albrecht, 2023. Deletion of the Circadian Clock Gene Per2 in the Whole Body, but Not in Neurons or Astroglia, Affects Sleep in Response to Sleep Deprivation. Clocks Sleep 52: 204-225.
Apostol, C. R., K. Bernard, P. Tanguturi, G. Molnar, M. J. Bartlett, et al., 2022. Design and Synthesis of Brain Penetrant Glycopeptide Analogues of PACAP With Neuroprotective Potential for Traumatic Brain Injury and Parkinsonism. Front Drug Discov (Lausanne) 1.
Barabas, A. J., L. A. Robbins and B. N. Gaskill, 2022. Home cage measures of Alzheimer’s disease in the rTg4510 mouse model. Genes Brain Behav 212: e12795.
Barnett, A., E. David, A. Rohlman, V. D. Nikolova, S. S. Moy, R. P. Vetreno and L. G. Coleman, Jr., 2022. Adolescent Binge Alcohol Enhances Early Alzheimer’s Disease Pathology in Adulthood Through Proinflammatory Neuroimmune Activation. Front Pharmacol 13: 884170
Bell, B. J., K. R. Hollinger, P. Deme, S. Sakamoto, Y. Hasegawa, D. Volsky, A. Kamiya, N. Haughey, X. Zhu and B. S. Slusher, 2022. Glutamine antagonist JHU083 improves psychosocial behavior and sleep deficits in EcoHIV-infected mice. Brain Behav Immun Health 23: 100478.
Dean, T., A. V. Koffi, E. Goldstein, J. Ghaemmaghami and V. Gallo, 2022. Endogenous Circadian Clock Machinery in Cortical NG2-Glia Regulates Cellular Proliferation. Eneuro 95.
Duncan, M. J., L. E. Guerriero, K. Kohler, L. E. Beechem, B. D. Gillis, F. Salisbury, C. Wessel, J. Wang, S. Sunderam, A. D. Bachstetter, B. F. O’Hara and M. P. Murphy, 2022. Chronic Fragmentation of the Daily Sleep-Wake Rhythm Increases Amyloid-beta Levels and Neuroinflammation in the 3xTg-AD Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease. Neuroscience 481: 111-122.
Kim, Y. R., S. Y. Lee, S. M. Lee, I. Shim and M. Y. Lee, 2022. Effect of Hibiscus syriacus Linnaeus extract and its active constituent, saponarin, in animal models of stress-induced sleep disturbances and pentobarbital-induced sleep. Biomed Pharmacother 146: 112301.
Kohler, K., F. Salisbury, C. Wessel, J. Wang, S. Sunderam, et al., 2022. Chronic Fragmentation of the Daily Sleep-Wake Rhythm Increases Amyloid-beta Levels and Neuroinflammation in the 3xTg-AD Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease. Neuroscience 481: 111-122.
Lord, J. S., S. M. Gay, K. M. Harper, V. D. Nikolova, K. M. Smith, S. S. Moy and G. H. Diering, 2022. Early life sleep disruption potentiates lasting sex-specific changes in behavior in genetically vulnerable Shank3 heterozygous autism model mice. Mol Autism 131: 35.
Martin, S. C., S. M. Gay, M. L. Armstrong, N. M. Pazhayam, N. Reisdorph and G. H. Diering, 2022. Tonic endocannabinoid signaling supports sleep through development in both sexes. Sleep 458.
Rowe, R. K., T. R. F. Green, K. R. Giordano, J. B. Ortiz, S. M. Murphy and M. R. Opp, 2022. Microglia Are Necessary to Regulate Sleep after an Immune Challenge. Biology Basel 118.
Topchiy, I., A. M. Fink, K. A. Maki and M. W. Calik, 2022. Validation of PiezoSleep Scoring Against EEG/EMG Sleep Scoring in Rats. Nat Sci Sleep 14: 1877-1886.
Wang, Z., Y. Y. Huang, Z. H. Zhou, J. Huang, Y. T. He and P. M. Qiu, 2022. Local iron deficiency in the substantia nigra directly contributes to hyperlocomotion phenotypes. Neurobiol Dis 168.
Wirianto, M., C. Y. Wang, E. Kim, N. Koike, R. Gomez-Gutierrez, K. Nohara, G. Escobedo, Jr., J. M. Choi, C. Han, K. Yagita, S. Y. Jung, C. Soto, H. K. Lee, R. Morales, S. H. Yoo and Z. Chen, 2022. The clock modulator Nobiletin mitigates astrogliosis-associated neuroinflammation and disease hallmarks in an Alzheimer’s disease model. Faseb j 363: e22186.
Wu, K., R. D. Shepard, D. Castellano, W. Han, Q. Tian, L. Dong and W. Lu, 2022. Shisa7 phosphorylation regulates GABAergic transmission and neurodevelopmental behaviors. Neuropsychopharmacology 47(12): 2160-2170.
Wu, K., W. Han and W. Lu, 2022. Sleep and wake cycles dynamically modulate hippocampal inhibitory synaptic plasticity. PLoS Biol 20(11): e3001812.
Bradshaw, D.V., Jr., Knutsen, A.K., Korotcov, A., Sullivan, G.M., Radomski, K.L., Dardzinski, B.J., Zi, X., McDaniel, D.P., Armstrong, R.C., 2021. Genetic inactivation of SARM1 axon degeneration pathway improves outcome trajectory after experimental traumatic brain injury based on pathological, radiological, and functional measures. Acta Neuropathol Commun 9, 89
Burish, M.J., Han, C., Mawatari, K., Wirianto, M., Kim, E., Ono, K., Parakramaweera, R., Chen, Z., Yoo, S.H., 2021. The first-line cluster headache medication verapamil alters the circadian period and elicits sex-specific sleep changes in mice. Chronobiol Int, 1-12.
Han, C., Wirianto, M., Kim, E., Burish, M.J., Yoo, S.H., Chen, Z., 2021. Clock-Modulating Activities of the Anti-Arrhythmic Drug Moricizine. Clocks Sleep 3, 351-365.
Kim, E., Nohara, K., Wirianto, M., Escobedo, G., Jr., Lim, J.Y., Morales, R., Yoo, S.H., Chen, Z., 2021. Effects of the Clock Modulator Nobiletin on Circadian Rhythms and Pathophysiology in Female Mice of an Alzheimer’s Disease Model. Biomolecules 11.
Olejniczak, I., Ripperger, J.A., Sandrelli, F., Schnell, A., Mansencal-Strittmatter, L., Wendrich, K., Hui, K.Y., Brenna, A., Ben Fredj, N., Albrecht, U., 2021. Light affects behavioral despair involving the clock gene Period 1. PLoS Genet 17, e1009625.
Saber, M., Murphy, S.M., Cho, Y., Lifshitz, J., Rowe, R.K., 2021. Experimental diffuse brain injury and a model of Alzheimer’s disease exhibit disease-specific changes in sleep and incongruous peripheral inflammation. J Neurosci Res 99, 1136-1160.
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Vadnie, C. A., K. A. Petersen, L. A. Eberhardt, M. A. Hildebrand, A. J. Cerwensky, H. Zhang, J. N. Burns, D. D. Becker-Krail, L. M. DePoy, R. W. Logan and C. A. McClung, 2021. The Suprachiasmatic Nucleus Regulates Anxiety-Like Behavior in Mice. Front Neurosci 15: 765850.
Vanneau, T., Quiquempoix, M., Trignol, A., Verdonk, C., Van Beers, P., Sauvet, F., Gomez-Merino, D., Chennaoui, M., 2021. Determination of the sleep-wake pattern and feasibility of NREM/REM discrimination using the non-invasive piezoelectric system in rats. J Sleep Res, e13373.
Walker, W. H., 2nd, S. A. Sprowls, J. R. Bumgarner, J. A. Liu, O. H. Melendez-Fernandez, J. C. Walton, P. R. Lockman, A. C. DeVries and R. J. Nelson, 2021. Circadian Influences on Chemotherapy Efficacy in a Mouse Model of Brain Metastases of Breast Cancer. Front Oncol 11: 752331.
Wu, K., Han, W., Tian, Q., Li, Y., Lu, W., 2021. Activity- and sleep-dependent regulation of tonic inhibition by Shisa7. Cell Rep 34, 108899.
Bartsch, V.B., Lord, J.S., Diering, G.H., Zylka, M.J., 2020. Mania- and anxiety-like behavior and impaired maternal care in female diacylglycerol kinase eta and iota double knockout mice. Genes, brain, and behavior 19, e12570.
Badran, M., Khalyfa, A., Ericsson, A., Gozal, D., 2020. Fecal microbiota transplantation from mice exposed to chronic intermittent hypoxia elicits sleep disturbances in naive mice. Experimental neurology 334, 113439.
Bubier, JA, Hao H., Philip V., Roy T., Monroy Hernandez C., Bernat R., Donohue D., O’Hara BF., Chesler EJ. 2020. Genetic variation regulates opioid-induced respiratory depression in mice. Scientific Reports 10: 14970.
Bubier, J.A., Philip, V.M., Quince, C., Campbell, J., Zhou, Y., Vishnivetskaya, T., Duvvuru, S., Blair, R.H., Ndukum, J., Donohue, K.D., Foster, C.M., Mellert, D.J., Weinstock, G., Culiat, C.T., O’Hara, B.F., Palumbo, A.V., Podar, M., Chesler, E.J., 2020. A Microbe Associated with Sleep Revealed by a Novel Systems Genetic Analysis of the Microbiome in Collaborative Cross Mice. Genetics 214, 719-733.
Gao, Q., S. Khan and L. Zhang, 2020. Brain activity and transcriptional profiling in mice under chronic jet lag. Sci Data 71: 361.
Giordano, K. R., C. R. Denman, H. K. Dollish, F. Fernandez, J. Lifshitz, M. Akhter and R. K. Rowe, 2020. Intracerebral hemorrhage in the mouse altered sleep-wake patterns and activated microglia. Exp Neurol 327: 11.
Mishra, I., Pullum, K.B., Thayer, D.C., Plummer, E.R., Conkright, B.W., Morris, A.J., O’Hara, B.F. Demas, G.E., Ashley, N.T., 2020. Chemical sympathectomy reduces peripheral inflammatory responses to acute and chronic sleep fragmentation. American journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology 318, R781-R789.
Saber, M., Giordano, K.R., Hur, Y., Ortiz, J.B., Morrison, H., Godbout, J.P., Murphy, S.M., Lifshitz, J., Rowe, R.K., 2020. Acute peripheral inflammation and post-traumatic sleep differ between sexes after experimental diffuse brain injury. The European journal of neuroscience 52, 2791-2814.
Wang C, Guerriero LE, Huffman DM, Ajwad AA, Brooks TC, Sunderam S, Seifert AW, O’Hara BF. 2020. A comparative study of sleep and diurnal patterns in house mouse (Mus musculus) and Spiny mouse (Acomys cahirinus). Scientific reports 10: 10944.
Rowe, R.K., Harrison, J.L., Morrison, H.W., Subbian, V., Murphy, S.M., Lifshitz, J., 2019. Acute Post-Traumatic Sleep May Define Vulnerability to a Second Traumatic Brain Injury in Mice. J Neurotrauma 36, 1318-1334.
Robinson-Junker, A., O’Hara, B., Durkes, A., Gaskill, B., 2019. Sleeping through anything: The effects of unpredictable disruptions on mouse sleep, healing, and affect. PloS one 14, e0210620.
Phillips, S., Xiong, H., Donohue, KD, O’Hara, BF., Lonstein, JS., Yan, L., 2019. Too sad to sleep? Sleep patterns in a rodent SAD model analyzed by the piezoelectric system. Society for Neuroscience Meeting, Chicago, 2019.
Paulose, J.K., Wang, C., O’Hara, B.F., Cassone, V.M., 2019. The effects of aging on sleep parameters in a healthy, melatonin-competent mouse model. Nature and science of sleep 11, 113-121.
Onos, K.D., Uyar, A., Keezer, K.J., Jackson, H.M., Preuss, C., Acklin, C.J., O’Rourke, R., Buchanan, R., Cossette, T.L., Sukoff Rizzo, S.J., Soto, I., Carter, G.W., Howell, G.R., 2019. Enhancing face validity of mouse models of Alzheimer’s disease with natural genetic variation. PLoS Genet 15, e1008155.
Nohara, K., Mallampalli, V., Nemkov, T., Wirianto, M., Yang, J., Ye, Y., Sun, Y., Han, L., Esser, K.A., Mileykovskaya, E., D’Alessandro, A., Green, C.B., Takahashi, J.S., Dowhan, W., Yoo, S.H., Chen, Z., 2019. Nobiletin fortifies mitochondrial respiration in skeletal muscle to promote healthy aging against metabolic challenge. Nat Commun 10, 3923.
Huffman, D., Ajwad, AA., Wang, J., Murphy MP., O’Hara, BF., Duncan, MJ., 2019. Feasibility of dynamic sleep enhancement in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease. Society for Neuroscience Meeting, Chicago, 2019
Hou T, W.C.J.S., O’Hara BF, Gong MC and Guo Z 2019. Active Time-Restricted Feeding Improved Sleep-Wake Cycle in db/db Mice. Front. Neurosci. 13.
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